Objective 1: A Sector Built on Quality and Integrity Question 1: Are there further reforms governments should consider that will improve the quality and integrity of the sector? The ABDC...
1. International student levy The proposal to implement an international student levy has mixed support from member business schools. Before committing to an international student levy, the ABDC recommends that...
18 August 2023 Email submission: submissions@socialsciences.org.au Dear Chris, Re: Decadal Plan for Social Science Research Infrastructure 2023-32 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Academy of the Social...
22 June 2023 Online submission Dear Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications, Re: Greenwashing Inquiry The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) welcomes the Senate’s inquiry into greenwashing and the...
14 December 2022 By online form ABDC submission to the Review of the Australian Research Council Act 2001 Q1. How could the purpose in the ARC Act be revised to reflect...
PDF: ABDC submission - International education post-COVID 12 December 2022 By online form ABDC Submission to The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Inquiry into the Post-COVID...
PDF: ABDC submission — Employment Whitepaper 30 November 2022 Online submission Dear Employment Taskforce, Re: Employment Whitepaper Consultation Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the scope and themes...
The impact of professional accreditation in Australian higher education and opportunities to reduce the regulatory burden on higher education providers.
The report highlights the incredible efforts business schools made in 2020 as public health and international travel restrictions prompted significant adjustments to learning and teaching, campus life, and the progression...
Introduction This Statement was developed to provide international accreditation reviewers with an overview of the Australian higher education system and the general operating environment for Australian business schools. However, the...