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2024 ABDC Network Awards: Click on each slide to learn about the winners
Turning Up the Heat on Climate Action
Meet Associate Professor Melissa Edwards
Australia’s business schools are boosting their focus on climate change by appointing a Climate Action Fellow to coordinate their actions nationally and liaise with industry, the not-for-profit sector and government.
This follows the recent ABDC Climate Action Declaration.
Listen to a podcast with Climate Action Fellow, Associate Professor Melissa Edwards, here.
What can a Climate Action Fellow do?
What makes a graduate climate literate?
Welcome to the ABDC, the collective voice of Australian university business schools.
Our 38 members teach and research the areas vital to the success of the businesses that underpin Australia’s economy.
As their peak body, ABDC’s role is to ensure that those with political, social, cultural and economic influence appreciate and support how business education contributes to Australia’s future.
Australian university business schools educate 16% of all domestic students and 39% of the nation’s international students.